We recognise your skills and knowledge gained through formal and informal training, work and/or life experience.

When you apply for Recognised Prior Learning assessment, you begin an assessment-only process and do not receive training or access to learning resources. This is because RPL is designed to assess the student's existing competency in the performance criteria for each unit.

RPL assessment needs to be completed following enrolment, and at the commencement of training, traineeship or apprenticeship.

To be granted Recognised Prior Learning (RPL) for a unit of study, you will need to:

  • complete a RPL application form
  • participate in a meeting with First Door to discuss the prior learning evidence and RPL process
  • provide the required evidence of competency for the listed performance criteria for the unit/s. For example, by:
    - completing an RPL assessment tool
    - collecting and providing additional evidence, and
    - by your practical skills being observed in the workplace by a qualified workplace supervisor

Track your progress - Download and print this guide to our 7 step RPL assessment process

RPL 7 step process web

For additional information relating to RPL for a unit/s in your course, please contact:
First Door RPL Coordinator
email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
phone: 3204 4336
