Team E-Learning


Team eLearning membership package web

Everything you need to support shared learning for inspired practice in your team

Our team learning packages engage your team in:

- shared learning as a professional learning community, and for continuous improvement (NQS 7.2)

- professional collaboration and critical reflection (NQS 4.2)

- supported individual learning and development of professionals (NQS Element 7.2.3)

Online courses button

Choose the team package to support shared learning and quality improvement:

 Get 2 years access to the tools you need - to share, learn, grow and evolve together as a team

NQS QUALITY AREA 1 Educational program and practice

Transforming Pedagogy ButtonTeam package Doc planning cycle

NQS QUALITY AREA 2 Children's health and safety

Risk Supervision buttonChildren at risk Button

NQS QUALITY AREA 5 Relationships with children 

Behaviour Rethink button

and NQS 4.2  Professionalism Emotional intelligence button


Flourish together: open up shared ongoing learning and inspired practice in your team

Contact us to book a consultation meeting

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07 3204 4336

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"…to have a professional person who you can share your passion with, challenge your thinking with and work in collaboration with… is completely priceless."

Miriam Abel
Director of Tumble Tots McDowall


“The dedicated, organised, nurturing trainers have played a pivotal role in helping to the get the team at YMCA Strathpine moving forward from conflicting understandings and viewpoints to a shared and improved understanding of the documentation cycle. Through discussion as a team we were able to analyse systems we use that were not effective. The centre team was able to reach shared understanding of new strategies and provided with ideas and tools to effectively use the cycle of plan, document and evaluate.”

Chantal Wise
Director YMCA Strathpine Child Care Centre